The First Annual Symposium in Honor of Fr. Florovsky:
On the Tree of the Cross: The Patristic Doctrine of Atonement
Friday, February 11, 2011
7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
McCormick Hall, Princeton University
Saturday, February 12, 2011
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Stuart Hall, Princeton Theological Seminary
Taking our cue from Fr. Georges Florovsky, the eminent 20th century Orthodox Christian theologian who wrote with passion on this topic, we will examine the doctrine of atonement in some of the same authorities upon which Fr. Florovsky relied: the New Testament, St. Irenaeus of Lyon, St. Athanasius of Alexandria, St. Gregory the Theologian, and others. We will conclude with an analysis of Fr. Florovsky’s own writings on atonement, followed by a panel discussion.
This symposium is organized by the Fr. Georges Florovsky Orthodox Christian Theological Society at Princeton University and the School of Christian Vocation and Mission at Princeton Theological Seminary, and is sponsored by Princeton University’s Graduate Student Events Board, Program in Hellenic Studies, Department of History, Council on the Humanities, Office of Religious Life, and Orthodox Christian Fellowship.
Fr. George Dragas
Once a student of Fr. Georges Florovsky, Fr. George Dragas is the Professor of Patrology/Patristics at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Fr. George’s many publications include several on the theology and writings of St. Athanasius the Great, about whom he will be speaking at the symposium.
Fr. John Behr is the Dean of St Vladimir’s Seminary and Professor of Patristics, as well as the Distinguished Lecturer in Patristics at Fordham University. Fr. John’s many publications include two books on St. Irenaeus of Lyon, about whom he will be speaking at the symposium.
Dr. Alexis Torrance is Residential Fellow at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study. His publications include articles on ascetic fathers in the Greek East, about whom he will be speaking at the symposium.
Fr. Irenei Steenberg is Visiting Professor in Orthodox Studies at Santa Clara University and Principal of the St. John of San Francisco Orthodox Academy. His publications are primarily on patristic thought, and he will be speaking on atonement in Orthodox liturgical theology.
Fr. John McGuckin is Professor in Late Antique and Byzantine Christian History at Union Theological Seminary, as well as a Professor of Byzantine Christian Studies at Columbia University. One of Fr. John’s twenty books is an intellectual biography of St. Gregory the Theologian, about whom he will be speaking at the symposium.
Dr. George Parsenios is Associate Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary. He is the author of two monographs on the Gospel according to St. John. Dr. Parsenios will discuss the doctrine of atonement in the New Testament.
Matthew Baker is a Ph.D. student at Fordham University. His research and recent articles have focused on the thought of Fr. Florovsky, about whom he will be speaking at the symposium.
Dr. Marcus Plested
Currently a member in Medieval history/theology at the Institute for Advanced Study, Dr. Marcus Plested is Academic Director of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies at Cambridge University. He will be moderating our closing discussion on Saturday.